The objective of this research was to isolate denitrifying bacteria from sea sediment and simulate the removal efficiency of nitrate-N by denitrifying bacteria from seawater. The result showed that the isolated denitrifying bacteria could effectively remove nitrate-N from seawater. About 90 % of nitrate-N was removed by denitrifying bacteria from seawater within a week in the simulated experiment I (the initial concentration of nitrate-N was 100 mg/L). The removal efficiency of nitrate-N reached about 70 % within one day in the simulated experiment Ⅱ (initial concentration of nitrate-N was 1 mg/L). The final removal efficiency was about 98 % and 85 % in the simulated experiments Ⅰ and Ⅱ, respectively. It was found that there was positive correlation between the concentration of nitrate-N and the number of denitrifying bacteria in seawater. Lots of denitrifying bacteria would disappear and the seawater would become transparent once the process of bioremediation was completed.
从长江口沉积物中筛选分离出了海洋反硝化细菌,模拟了该细菌对不同浓度水平硝酸盐氮的去除效率。研究结果表明,分离出的海洋反硝化细菌能有效去除海水中硝酸盐氮,在硝酸盐氮的初始浓度为 1 mg/L,1 d 内硝酸盐氮去除率就达到了 70 %;在 100 mg/L 硝酸盐氮模拟试验中,约在一周内能将 90 % 硝酸盐氮去除。试验证明反硝化细菌的生长与水体中硝酸盐氮浓度有一定的相关关系,一旦生物修复过程完成,反硝化细菌就会大量死亡,水体重新恢复到清澈透明状况。