
前愈汤对慢性前列腺炎大鼠锌含量的影响 被引量:7

Experimental study on the effect of Qianyu decoction on the level of zinc in chronic prostatitis
摘要 目的:探讨前愈汤通过调节锌水平治疗慢性前列腺炎的作用及其机制,为进一步研究开发出治疗慢性前列腺炎的中药新制剂提供实验依据。方法:用大肠杆菌和角叉菜胶分别建立大鼠慢性细菌性前列腺炎(CBP)和非细菌性前列腺炎病理模型,分别用前愈汤剂进行治疗,观察对两种病理模型的影响,利用原子吸收光谱仪检测大鼠前列腺锌含量。结果:前愈汤剂治疗组前列腺组织锌含量为(199.8±34.2)μg.g-1(湿重);CBP模型组前列腺组织锌含量为(8.1±14.0)μg.g-1(湿重),与CBP模型组相比,两组差异有极显著性(P<0.01)。结论:前愈汤剂能显著提高慢性细菌性前列腺炎大鼠前列腺锌含量;结合病理组织学观察,前愈汤剂具有减轻病变前列腺间质炎症反应及促进病损修复作用,通过调节前列腺组织锌含量的作用治疗慢性前列腺炎与其抗菌机制有关。 OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect and mechanism of Qianyu decoction in treating chronic prostatitis through regulating the level of zinc in the rat's prostate so as to provide the experimental data for the study of the new preparations of traditional chinese medical. METHODS The pathological models of chronic bacterial prostatitis and non-bacterial prostatitis were respectively established by injecting E. Coli and carrageenan in the rat's prostate. And the two models were treated with Qianyu decoction to observe its effect. The level of zinc in the rat's prostate was determined by atomic RESULTS The level of zinc in the of Qianyu decoction treatment group was (199. 8 ± 34. 2)μg·g^-1 absorption spectrometry. (wet) ; The level of znic CBP model was (8. 1 ± 14. 0)μg·g^-1 (wet). Compared with CBP model, there were significant difference (P〈0. 01 ) in the two groups. CONCLUSION Qianyu decoction may markedly improve the level of zinc of CBP model of rat's prostate. Qianyu decoction has the effects of repairing prostatic tissue, alleviating mesenchymal inflammatory reaction. The effect of Qianyu decoction regulating the level of zinc in the rat's prostate is related to the anti-bacterial mechanism in treating chronic prostatitis.
出处 《中国医院药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期697-700,共4页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
关键词 前愈汤剂 锌含量 慢性前列腺炎 Qianyu decoction the level of zinc chronic prostatitis
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