目的研究苦马豆素(Sw)对肝癌细胞在体内外生长的抑制作用。方法采用体外抑瘤试验培养人源性肝癌HHCC细胞的方法,通过MTT法等试验测定其体外抑癌浓度;体内试验采用小鼠的鼠源性肝癌H22移植瘤法,通过对抑瘤率及病理切片的观测,探讨其抑瘤作用。结果3.84μg.ml-1的Sw体外作用72 h后,HHCC细胞的存活率明显下降(P<0.05),其24 h的IC50为0.4μg.ml-1;SW在3、61、2 mg.kg-1时,对肝癌H22实体移植瘤的抑制率分别为13.2%、28.9%、27.3%;对腹水型H22的小鼠生命延长率分别为48.40%、64.16%、58.22%,病理切片显示,用药后肿瘤组织明显出血、坏死和炎症细胞浸润。结论苦马豆素对人源性和鼠源性肝癌生长都有一定的抑制作用。
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of Swainsonine on hepatocarcinoma in vivo and in vitro. METHODS After being treated with Swainsonine, the inhibition concentration of swaiasonine to HHCC cells were examined by MTT assay. The models of ascetic and noumenal transplantation tumor of H22 were established,70 mice were devided randomly into five groups, three groups of which were administrated swainsonine at 3,6,12 μg·ml^-1, two control groups were administrated NS 20 mg·ml^-1 and 5 - Fu 20 mg·ml^-1 by intraperitoneal injection, respectively. The rate of inhibition and llfe prolongation were calculated and pathological sections were observed. RESULTS Swainsonine inhibited HHCC cells proliferation significantly at the concentration above 3.84μg·ml^-1 for 72 h and its IC50 was 0.4 μg·ml^-1 at 24 h. The rate of inhibition were 13.2% ,28.9% ,27.3% and life prolongation rate were 48.40% ,64.16% ,58.22% respectively when the mice were administrated with swainsonine of 3,6, 12 mg·kg^-1. The structure of tumor showed hemorrhage, necrosis and inflammatory cell infiltration. CONCLUSION Swainsonine could inhibit the growth of hepatocarcinoma of different source.
West China Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences