The fuzzy goal flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FGFJSP) is the extension of FJSP. Compared with the convention JSP, it can solve the fuzzy goal problem and meet suit requirements of the key job. The multi-object problem, such as the fuzzy cost, the fuzzy due-date, and the fuzzy makespan, etc, can be solved by FGFJSP. To optimize FGFJSP, an individual optimization and colony diversity genetic algorithm (IOCDGA) is presented to accelerate the convergence speed and to avoid the earliness. In IOCDGA, the colony average distance and the colony entropy are defined after the definition of the encoding model. The colony diversity is expressed by the colony average distance and the colony entropy. The crossover probability and the mutation probability are controlled by the colony diversity. The evolution emphasizes that sigle individual or a few individuals evolve into the best in IOCDGA, but not the all in classical GA. Computational results show that the algorithm is applicable and the number of iterations is less.