Liver X receptors(LXRs)are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily,which have been implicated in lipid ho-meostasis and more recently in glucose metabolism.Here,we show that glucose does not change LXRα protein level,but affects its localization in pancreatic β-cells.LXRα is found in the nucleus at 8 mM glucose and in the cytoplasm at4.2 mM.Addition of glucose translocates LXRα from the cytoplasm into the nucleus.Moreover,after the activation ofLXR by its synthetic non-steroidal agonist(T0901317),insulin secretion and glucose uptake are increased at 8 mM anddecreased at 4.2 mM glucose in a dose-dependent manner.Furthermore,at low glucose condition,okadaic acid reversedLXRα effect on insulin secretion,suggesting the involvement of glucose signaling through a phosphorylation-dependentmechanism.