
反思L1在SLA中的迁移现象 被引量:3

Reflection on the Transference of L1 in SLA
摘要 正确认识和处理L1在SLA中的作用,对英语教学非常重要。L1在SLA中的负迁移作用在我国的外语教学界被广泛地接受,汉语通常被认为是掌握外语的绊脚石。但是,由此产生的教学方法并不能很理想地提高学习者的L2水平。通过对L1在SLA中负迁移观点的反思,发现应该更多地去注意学习者脑海中语际语的本质,进一步更科学地了解L1在SLA中的作用,以便克服教学的盲目性,对症下药,推进教学改革。 As for English teaching, it is very important to understand and treat the functions Of L1 in SIA. In China's foreign language teaching circle, it has been widely accepted that there exists negative transference of L1 in SLA. Tne Chinese language is regaled as an obstacle for the acquisition of the second language. Yet, the leaching methods based on this understanding fail to be very helpful to L2 learners, Through an introspection of the point above, it has been found out that the interlanguage system deserves more attention, which is very good to understand the function of L1 in SIA more scientifically, and, consequently, helpful to curb the blindness in foreign language teaching and to promote the leaching refoma by applying the right remedy for the case.
作者 唐雪梅
出处 《南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第2期74-77,共4页 Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics(Social Sciences)
关键词 母语 二语 迁移 二语习得 L1 L2 transference second language acquisition (SLA)
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