

Expression of transcription factor Msx2 during permanent tooth root formation of dog
摘要 目的观察转录因子Msx2在犬恒牙牙根发育过程中的表达及时空变化,初步探讨其对牙根形态形成的调控作用。方法本研究采用原位杂交技术,对犬恒牙牙根不同发育时期Msx2mRNA的表达进行观察。结果在牙根发育启动期、生长期及成熟期,转录因子Msx2具有不同的时空表达方式。结论Msx2作为牙齿发育过程中重要的转录因子,可能参与牙根形态发育的调控作用。 AIM: To evaluate the regulatory role of transcription factor Msx2 in tooth root patterning by observing the expression of Msx2 during permanent tooth root development of dog. METHODS : During permanent tooth root formation of dog, Msx2 mRNA was detected by in situ hybridization method. RESULTS : At stage of tooth root initiation, patterning and maturation, transcription factor Msx2 was detected in a variety of ways of timing and space. CONCLUSION : Msx2, as a key transcription factors during tooth development, is likely to participate in regulating the formation of tooth roots.
出处 《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》 CAS 2006年第8期438-440,共3页 Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry
关键词 转录因子Msx2 牙根发育 原位杂交 transcription factor Msx2 tooth root growth dog in situ hybridization
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