Wang Guowei once divided scholarship in Qing Dynasty into three stages based on the chronological order of early Qing, Qianlong and Jiaqing time , Daoguang and Xianfeng period. He emphasized that the characteristic of the " new learning afterDaoguang and Xianfeng " was embodied in its " devotion to achieve what the predecessors refused to perform. " Evidently changed scholarship in late Oing period affects later studies on the history of learning of Oing Dynasty. In a long period of time, the most influential books in this field were done by Liao Qichao and Qian Mu bearing the same title China's Hi,story of Learning in Recent 300 Years. Both books are within the scope of the " new learning" ofDaoguang andXianfeng time while neglecting the ideas of the Han school of classical philology in Qianlong and Jiaqing time with the result that our acquaintance with and cognition of the " scholarship" of the recent 300 years are rather partial. To systematically clarify and arrange the scholarship of recent 300 years more proportionately and reasonably, we should well collect and emphatically publicize the ideas and statements in the works of Zhang Taiyan, Liu Shipei and other scholars in the line of the Han school of classical philology in Qing Dynasty so that to parallel them with the books of I.iang Qichao and Qian Mu as the main reference in the field of research on the history of learning in Oing Dynasty.
Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
history of learning, " New Learning" in Daoguang and Xianfeng Period, the Hanschool of classical philology in Qianlong and Jiaqing time, Zhang Taiyan, Liu Shipei