The principle and method of source parameter inversion from coseismic tilt steps are treated. The Dimension Reduction Method is put forward. This method deals with coseismic tilt step values and their directions separately, using the step directions to determine the optimal strike, dip angle and slip angle and the step values to determine the optimal length, width and slip dislocation. Results obtained from the study of Heze earthquake (M_s=5.9)and Haiyuan earthquake(M_s=5.5) by using the Dimension Reduction Method show that it is a effective method in dealing with coseismic tilt steps. The earthquake fault of Heze earthquake has a strike of NNE, a main strike-slip with some dip-slip dislocation, and s small dip angle.The authors believe that Heze earthquake occured on the Liaokao fault belt or was controled by it.
Crustal Deformation and Earthquake