
一种基于Schema的XML索引结构 被引量:8

A Schema-based XML Index Structure
摘要 XMLSchema作为一种描述XML文档模式信息即结构信息的标准,对于XML索引的建立及查询效率的提高有着重要的作用。现有的大部分XML索引结构着重研究XML文档的结构查询,而对于XML文档的更新支持却不多,对无效查询也不能作出快速的判断。该文基于已有的XML文档的编码方式,提出了一种基于Schema的XML索引结构,不仅能支持基于有效性验证的动态更新,使得XML文档和XMLSchema保持一致,而且对用户提出的无效的路径查询也能在较短时间内作出判断。 As a standard of describing the scheme information or structure information of XML document, XML Schema plays an important role in the building of XML index and improvement of the query efficiency. Now most of the XML index structures focus on study the structural query, but few indexing structures can solve the updating problem of XML document ard give quick response to those invalid queries. Based on the numbering schemes of XML document that have already proposed, this paper proposes a Schema-based XML indexing structure that can not only support the dynamic updating based on the verifying of validity in order to keep the consistency between the XML document and XML Schema, but also give the response to the user's invalid path query in a short time.
出处 《计算机工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第18期64-66,共3页 Computer Engineering
关键词 XML SCHEMA XML索引 XML动态更新 路径查询 XML Schema XML index XML dynamic update Path query
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  • 2World Wide Web Consortium.XML Schema:Formal Description[EB/OL].http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-formal/,2001-09.
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