目的建立一种PCR-RFLP分析线粒体DNAcyt b基因用于法医学种属鉴定的方法。方法采用一对通用引物扩增人及15种常见动物的线粒体DNAcyt b基因,扩增产物经内切酶Alu I酶切,分析不同动物DNA扩增产物的有无以及酶切前后的变化。结果所检动物中有9种DNA有扩增产物,经内切酶Alu I酶切后,除鳝鱼外都能与人类DNA相区别。结论PCR-RFLP分析线粒体DNAcyt b基因方法简单,结果可靠,是一种较好的法医学种属鉴定方法。
Objective To establish a species identification method by PCR-RFLP analysis of the cytochrome b gene. Methods Using a pair of universal PCR primer, samples from 15 species of animals and human were amplified and the RFLP patterns were generated by the restriction endonuclease Alu I. Results The PCR-RFLP patterns of 15 species of animals except the mud eel were different from that of the human. Conclusion Identify the species by PCR-RFLP analysis of the eytoehrome b gene is a simple and exact technique. It is valuable in species identification of forensic science.
Forensic Science and Technology