总结急性硬膜下血肿52例,其中手术50例,CT检查34例。全组死亡率55.7%。哥拉斯格评分小于5分者病死率69.2%,双瞳孔散大和不等大者病死率分别是85.7%和63.3%。CT征像中基底池消失评分(CES)≥10分者病死率90%, 鞍上池消失和三脑室消失病死率分别是10096和80%,其意义均大于血肿量、血肿厚度和脑中线移位状况。受伤至手术的时间无明显意义。术中所见脑挫裂伤、脑肿胀程度直接影响死亡率。认为急性硬膜下血肿的高死亡率主要取决于脑挫裂伤、脑肿胀的程度。注意以上诸因素的提示.对预后判断及治疗均有一定意义。
patients with cranial injuries were studied,50 cases of them had been under-gone operations and 34 cases had been examined with CT scan。 The total mortality in thisgroup was 55. 7%。 The mortality in Glasgow score< 5 was 69.2%, in the pupil dilated orasymmtric pupil patients was 85.7% and 63.3%。 Among the CT scan, the mortality in Ef-facement Score for basal cistern(CES) more than 10 score was 90%,and in the disappear-ance of upper-sellar cistern and third ventricle was 100% and 80 % respeetively. Theirsignificanccs were morc inportant than the amount of hemorrage,thickness of hemorrageand displacment of middle line of brain, The period length from iniury to operation showedno significance; But the extent of cerebral contussion and cdema found during operationaffected dircctly the mortality.It is indicated that the high mortality of acute subduralhematoma depends upon the cxtent of ccrebral contussion and edema,and these factorsmentioned above have a special significance for clinic and prognosis。
Journal of Ningxia Medical College
head i njuries
subdural hematoma