Climate variables usually have remarkable auto-correlation and cross-correlation in temporal fields. Extended EOF (empirical orthogonal functions) analysis based on classical EOF takes spatial and temporal correlation into account in the same time, and can get moving distributions of variables. By the EEOF analysis of subsurface ocean temperature anomaly(SOTA) in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, It is founded that, the first eigenvector is the mode about El Nino and it reflects the entire generation, persistence and diminishment process of E1 Nino phenomenon, there is good contemporary correlation between the corresponding time coefficient (first principal component) and the Nino3 index. The second eigenvector is the mode about Western Pacific Warm Pool(WPWP) and it reflects the process from warm phase to cold phase for WPWP (at the same time, from cold to warm for eastern Pacific), there is also good correlation between the second principal component and the Nino3 index of 6 -10 months lag. This two principle components not only help to learn the process of SOTA in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, but also give us an important clue to forecasting El Nino.
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