
基于HOOPS的三维协同设计中实时通信系统的研究与实现 被引量:1

Research and realization of real time communication system in 3D collaborative design based on HOOPS
摘要 协同设计中的实时通信性能是衡量该协同设计系统性能的重要指标,实时通信系统所提供的网络环境能否及时的将各设计终端的设计操作反映在服务器和其他的设计端直接决定了该协同系统协同性能的高低。在对现有的实时通信系统深入研究得基础上,给出了一个基于HOOPS的三维协同设计系统中的实时通信系统的实现框架、机制和具体的方法。 The quality of real time communication in collaborative design is the main standard of the collaborative design system ,whether the net environment could transmit the changes that one client have made to both the other clients and the server in time, directly shows the system's collaborative ability. Firstly, some basic research on real time communication in collaborative dcsign system were talken about, then the mainframe and specific realization of a real time communication system in 3D collaborative design based on HOOPS were given out.
作者 刘一良 刘弘
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期187-192,共6页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金(69975010 60374054)山东省自然科学基金(Y2003G01 Z2004G02)~~
关键词 协同设计 实时通信 HOOPS 消息驱动 软构件库 collaborative design real time communication HOOPS message-drived soft-components database
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