
香港维多利亚港和珠江广州河段水体中抗生素的含量特征及其季节变化 被引量:141

Occurrence and Seasonal Changes of Antibiotics in the Victoria Harbour and the Pearl River,South China
摘要 采用固相萃取、液相色谱/串联质谱法(LC—MS/MS)分析香港维多利亚港(维港)与珠江广州河段水体中9种典型抗生素药物含量+结果表明,在维港海水中,只检出较低含量的氟喹诺酮和大环内酯类抗生素;无论是在枯季(3月)还是洪季(6月),珠江广州河段河水中各种抗生素(阿莫西林除外)均可检出,而且含量较高(分别在70~489ng·L^-1和13~69ng·L^-1之间),其含量水平明显高于美、欧等国河流中相应污染物的含量。其中红霉素、磺胺嘧啶等与国外污水处理厂所检出的含量水平相当.数据也表明,河水中抗生素含量水平受季节和水量变化的影响很大,枯季河水中抗生素含量明显高于洪季.与枯季相比,洪季河水中药物含量具有明显的日变化. The occurrence and seasonal changes of antibiotics in the Victoria Harbour and the Pearl River were studied using highperformance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The results showed that the concentrations of antibiotics were mainly below the limit of quantification (LOQ) in the ambient marine water of Victoria Harbour. However, except for amoxicillin, all the target antibiotics were detected in the Pearl River during high (summer) and low (early spring) water seasons with the concentrations ranging from 13 to 69 ng·L^-1, and from 70 to 489 ng·L^-1, respectively. The concentrations of antibiotics in the Pearl River are all higher than that in America and other western developed countries, no matter in spring or summer. The concentrations of antibiotics showed sensitive daily changes in the high water season.
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期2458-2462,共5页 Environmental Science
基金 广东省自然科学重点基金项目(04101183) 有机地球化学国家重点实验室开放基金项目(OGL-200402) 香港理工大学基金项目(PolyUA-PF64)
关键词 抗生素 海水 河水 维多利亚港 珠江 antibiotics seawater river water Victoria Harbour Pearl River
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