
G-Chord:一种基于Chord的路由改进算法 被引量:9

G-Chord:an improved routing algorithm for Chord
摘要 提出了基于区域自治的G-Chord路由算法,将Chord环进行分组,实现组内节点的自治,组间的路由和查询操作则通过组代表帮助完成.仿真实验表明,新算法能够保持与Chord接近的平均跳数,而大部分节点的路由表长度却可以得到显著地减小(如Chord环被分为5组时路由表长度减少了31%).此外,分组虽然增加了网络直径,但这种请求极少(约为请求总数的0.28%),因此对总跳数的影响几乎可以忽略. G-Chord is proposed to improve query efficiency with the Chord ring divided into several groups, each group being self-governed by its delegate. The requests, such as routing and query operations beyond their own groups, are completed by the aid of delegates. Simulation results show that the new algorithm can keep an average path length similar to Chord while the length of routing tables maintained by most nodes are reduced remarkably (the length is reduced by 31% when the Chord ring is divided into 5 groups). Besides, although grouping increases network diameter, the number of these kinds of requests are very small ( about 0. 28% of total requests number) and their effects on total hops could be ignored.
出处 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期9-12,共4页 Journal of Southeast University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 CHORD 路由表长度 平均路径长度 分组 Chord routing table length average path length group
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