The Jinchang gold copper deposit is a typical deposit related to Mesozoic subvolcanic activities to the west of Yishu deep fault zone The outcropped strata in the mining district are mainly Middle Upper Cambrian series which are lithologically impure limestone, sandstone, shale etc Igneous rocks, including (from early to late )diorite porphyry, biotite granodio rite, amphibole felsite porphyry, felsite porphyry and felsite, are a suite of subvolcanic complexes resulting from differentiation of the same primary magma Among them the felsite porphyry, whose Rb Sr isochron age equals 154 8 ×10 6 a , is closely related to mineralization Orebodies are located mainly in the contact zone between felsite porphyry and limestone Chemically, the ore forming stocks are rich in alkali, potassium, LREE and LILE, with Σ REE, LREE/HREE and δ Eu equal to 79 55×10 -6 , 273 84×10 -6 ,8 79~31 07 and 0 45 ̄0 87 respectively, which are comparable to corresponding data of the syntectic type granitoids in southeastern China The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of the felsite porphyry are I Sr =0 7112, ε Nd (t) =14 68~17 64 On the ε Sr (t) - ε Nd (t) diagram, their plots are close to plots of granitic gneisses of Taishan Group It is thus conjectured that the ore forming stocks must have been the syntectic products of middle low crustal materials with higher maturity According to chemical composition investigation of paragenetic garnets and clinopyroxenes in skarns, it is shown that the pH and f O 2 values of the ore forming stage equal 5 89~6 05 and 10 -22 5 ~10 -25 ( t =400 ̄350℃) Investigations have shown that there exists a close relationship between mineralization and porphyry The δ 18 O H 2O values of ore forming fluids vary from 8 0‰ to 10 8‰,and δ 34 S values of sulfides range from 1 9‰ to 3 5‰ These data suggest that the ore forming fluids were composed mainly of magmatic water, and the ore forming fluids and materials were chiefly derived from the magmatic system
Mineral Deposits
skarn, felsite porphyry, gold copper deposit, Jinchang, Yinan County, Shandong rrovince