2002年Landsat-5星上TM扫描仪出现了扫描装置同步问题,为此美国宇航局(NASA)调整了TM扫描仪的工作模式,消除了上述问题,但同时造成了图像数据正反扫描不能对齐和错行的问题。本文针对目前Landsat-5卫星Bumper Mode模式下出现的问题进行了详细分析,完成了快速几何校正和补偿的算法设计与软件实现。并通过对Landsat-5多轨零级图像和移动窗图像处理加以验证,获得了良好的效果。为同类遥感卫星传感器出现相似问题提供了一条简便、快速的解决途径。
The Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) scan mirror was switched from its primary SAM operating mode to a backup Bumper mode in early 2002 in order to overcome its internal synchronization problems arised from long-term wear of the scan mirror mechanism. But this mode switch induced TM data misalignment. This article specifies the misalignment problem, and designs a geometric correction algorithm used to process TM data under Bumper mode. The algorithm was tested in moving windows display and browse image, and proved to be very efficient. This makes Landsat-5 to go on working. It also provides us with a method to solve the similar problem with other remote sensing satellite equipped with the same style of sensor.
Remote Sensing Information