
基于FLUENT软件的多孔质静压轴承静态特性的仿真与实验研究 被引量:21

CFD Simulation with FLUENT and Experimental Study on the Static Characteristic of Aerostatic Porous Bearing
摘要 将计算流体力学中的FLUENT软件成功地引入到多孔质静压轴承研究领域。该软件对边界条件、计算模型、控制参数及网格质量方面都有严格要求。本文应用该软件对多孔质静压径向轴承进行了三维流场的计算,得到了气体在多孔质静压轴承中的压力变化图像及轴承承载能力的数据,进而可以根据承载能力计算轴承的静态刚度。最后在自行研制的实验台上对仿真结果进行实验验证。 The CFD simulation software-FLUENT is successfully used in the research of aerostatic porous bearing field. During the use of FLUENT, the boundary condition, solver model, solution controls and the quality of mesh are hard to master. FLUENT was used to analyze the three-dimensional flow field of porous aerostatic journal bearing. The pressure image and the loading capacity data of the bearing were obtained, and the static rigidity was calculated. The experimental result shows the simulation is right and feasible.
出处 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2007年第3期170-172,共3页 Machine Tool & Hydraulics
基金 黑龙江省自然科学基金资助项目(E200604)
关键词 多孔质 静压轴承 FLUENT软件 静态特性 Porous Aerostatic bearing FLUENT software Static characteristic
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