
河南电网送端和受端负荷模型对稳定极限的影响 被引量:18

Influence of Load Models in Sending and Receiving Ends of Henan Power Grid on Tie-line Stability Limit of Sending End
摘要 分析了感应电动机负荷和恒阻抗负荷在暂态过程中的动态响应特性,说明负荷模型主要是通过有功特性对功角稳定性产生影响。通过对河南电网送端和受端负荷模型的调整及断面稳定极限的仿真计算,指出受暂态功角稳定性影响的送、受端断面稳定极限随电动机负荷的比例及定子电抗参数的变化而变化,且当相同的模型分别处于送端和受端时,其对暂态功角稳定性的影响不同。介绍了河南电网负荷特性数据库的建设和负荷模型测辨结果的应用情况,对今后的负荷模型分析和实测工作进行了展望。 Results of analyzing the dynamic response of the induction motodoad and constant impedance load during transient process show that through active power characteristics the load model influences the angle stability. By means of adjusting load models of sending and receiving ends of Henan Power Grid and the simuation of tie-line stability limit, it is pointed out that the tie-line stability limits at sending and receiving ends, which is impacted by transient angle stability, varies with the variation of the proportion of induction motor load to total load and the variation of stator reactance of induction motor, meanwhile, the same load model procreates different influence on transient angle stability while this model is applied in sending or receiving ends. The establishment of load characteristics database of Henan Power Grid and the application of measurement and identification results of load medel are presented, in addition, the analysis and actual measuremnt of load model to be conducted in future are prospected.
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期51-55,共5页 Power System Technology
关键词 负荷模型 暂态稳定性 感应电动机 临界群 load model transient stability induction motor critical cluster
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