Stephen Krashen认为,语言习得机制不仅影响母语习得的效果,也对第二语言习得发挥作用。“可理解的语言输入”是语言习得的必要条件,语言输入的作用在于激活这种机制。但“输入假说”也有偏颇之处,我们不应将语言习得完全归功于语言输入,语言输出对语言习得同样具有积极意义。从这个意义上来说,大学英语分级教学与“疯狂英语”等创新式教学手段都是对第二语言习得理论的积极应用,其旨在培养语言能力的教学理念与实践对我国的外语教学有着现实的指导意义。
As American linguist Stephen Krashen puts it, Language Acquisition Device (LAD) applies to the acquisition of both the mother tongue and the second language. Comprehensible input is essential to the language acquisition in that the function of language input is to activate such LAD mechanism. The Input Hypothesis, however, has the limits in its overemphasis of language input. There' s sound evidence that language output plays an active part in the L1/L2 acquisition as well and SLA theories find good application in Graded Teaching of College English, Crazy English and many other teaching fields. With the aim of cultivating the L2 learner' s linguistic competence and the corresponding practice, SLA theory is increasingly significant to the foreign language teaching in modem China.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural University:SOC.SCI.