
滑翔增程弹滑翔弹道设计 被引量:23

Design of Glide Trajectory for Glide Range-extended Projectile
摘要 在滑翔段上采用法向加速度等于零和升阻比最大两种方式进行滑翔弹道设计,导出俯仰舵偏角和平衡攻角的表达式,得到滑翔射程的一般关系式,分析了决定制导炮弹射程的主要因素。仿真结果表明,采用这两种方式设计的滑翔弹道各有特点,在工程实现中可以根据不同的使用要求和实际情况进行选择。 The design of glide trajectories is made by using two methods of normal acceleration equal to zero and keeping the biggest lift-drag ratio in glide flight. The formula of lift canard rotating angles and balanceable attack angles are gained. The general expression of glide range is established. The main factors affecting the range of guided projectile are analyzed. The simulation results show that the glide trajectories designed by the two methods have their own characteristics. Every method can be chosen according to the different demands and the actual instances. The methods provide references for the project design of the glide range-extended projectile.
出处 《南京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期147-150,183,共5页 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology
关键词 滑翔增程弹 舵偏角 平衡攻角 滑翔弹道 glide range-extended projectile canard rotating angle balanceable attack angles glide trajectories
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