A design method of RS-232/ARINC429 transforming circuit with the form of expand card of computer is discussed. The core of the system is controlling the flow of the data using MCS-51 single chip. Computer exchanges data with MCU through RS-232 interface. Blue print of hardware and flowchart of software of RS-232 as well as ARINC429 interface are given. As a Virtual Bus, the flip--latch is used here to resolve the width matching between MCU and the 429 chip HS3282, actualizing the bus widening of MCS-51single chip. Baud rate of the RS-232 communication is 57. 6Kbps. Rate of ARINC429 is 100Kb/s, and period of which is 50ms. After experiment of more than one year, the circuit is very reliable, which can satisfy the request of communication between computer and aviation equipment.
Computer Measurement &Control