

Effects of Treatment Time and Withdrawal Perawal Period on efficiency of Clenbuterol for Pigs
摘要 对β一启动剂克仑特罗的不同用药期和停药期对杜长大肥育猪的肥有效果进行了比较研究。结果表明,在3一6周的用药期内,克仑特罗对猪的日增重、饲料报酬和胴体性状能产生较好效果,且在猪的肥育后期用药为佳。随着停药期的延长,克仑特罗对猪的肥有效果的影响逐步下降。克仑特罗的停药期以不超过一星期为宜。 Effects of two factors,treatment time and withdrawal period,on efficien-cy of clenbuterol for pigs were examined in the experiment with 48 hogs which were dev-ided into 6 groups,The resuIts showed that clenbuterol can improve the growth ratefeed conversion lean meat percentage and fat percentage of the pigs When the pigs weretreated with dietary clenbuterol supple-lnentation for 3-6 weeks and were given a 2一5 day Withdrawal period。
出处 《家畜生态》 1997年第2期10-12,15,共4页 Ecology of Domestic Animal
基金 湖南省科委资助项目
关键词 用药期 停药期 克仑特罗 肥育 hog,clenbuterol ,treatment time,withdrawal period
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