
32例职业性重症中暑临床分析 被引量:14

Clinical analysis of 32 occupationally server heat stroke cases
摘要 目的探讨广东省职业性重症中暑的临床特征,提出相应对策。方法对32例职业性重症中暑(热射病)患者进行临床分析。结果职业性重症中暑发病年龄为(36.7±8.5)岁,平均发病工龄(4.2±13.0)个月,96.7%发病工龄小于4个月,68.8%有合并症,预后不良者占72.9%,病死率达40.1%,52.6%存活者留下严重后遗症;Logis-tic回归分析结果提示体温、血钠、血渗透压是死亡的危险因素。结论职业性重症中暑发病以青壮年男性为主,发病工龄短,病死率高,预后差,应及时采取有效的预防对策。治疗上应特别注意降低体温,预防、纠正血钠和渗透压。 Objective To analyze the clinical features of occupational severe heat stroke in Guangdong Province and provide scientific reference for prevention and treatment. Methods There 32 occupational severe heat stroke cases were clinically analyzed. Results The average age of the patients and the time from first exposure to fall ill were (36.9 ±1.6) years and (4.2 ±13.0) months respectively. The exposure time in 96.7% of the patients were shorter than 4 months and complications were noticed in 68.8% of them and serious sequelae occurred to 52.6 % of them. The fatality rate was as high as 40.1% . Muhinomial logistic regression analysis show that body temperature, blood sodium and osmotic pressure of the blood were the risk factors associated with death of occupational severe stroke patients. Conclusion Young nude were the main victims of occupational severe heat stroke with ahigh fatality rate and unfavorable prognosis. Thus effective measures be taken to prevent the occurrence of the disease and reduce fatality rate.
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2007年第6期932-934,共3页 China Tropical Medicine
关键词 高温 热射病 临床特点 防治对策 Hyperthermia Heat stgroke Clinical features Preventive and therapeutic measures
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