
红掌四倍体的离体诱导及其鉴定 被引量:76

In Vitro Tetraploid Induction and Its Identification in Anthurium andraeanum
摘要 以愈伤组织为诱导材料,采用秋水仙素处理方法进行了红掌四倍体的离体诱导。结果发现,红掌四倍体诱导率因处理方法、秋水仙素浓度和处理时间不同而异。采用液体培养的四倍体诱导率比固体培养的高,低浓度秋水仙素的诱导率比高浓度的高,长时间处理的诱导率比短时间处理的高,基因型对四倍体诱导率影响不明显。在含0·2g·L-1秋水仙素的液体培养基中振荡培养14d,四倍体诱导率最高,为45·5%。四倍体红掌的花药和花粉比二倍体的大,植株粗壮,叶片和佛焰苞大而厚,颜色深,叶片下表皮上的气孔密度小,长度长。改良压片法与气孔长度和密度鉴定法是鉴定红掌四倍体的可靠方法。 Calli were employed to establish the technical system of tetraploid induction in Anthurium andraeanum by using colchicine treatment method. The results showed that the induction rate of tetraploid in vitro depended on treatment method, concentration of colchicine and duration of treatment. The lower the concentration of colchicine was, the higher the induction rate was. At the same concentration of colchicine, the induction rate of tetraploid using liquid culture was higher than that using solid culture, and the longer the duration of treatment was, the higher the induction rate was. The highest induction rate of tetraploid, 45.5 %, was obtained from the calli cultured in the liquid medium supplemented with 0. 2 g · L^-1 colchicine for 14 d on a rotator. The induction rate was not affected by genotype. Tetraploid of Anthurium andraeanum was characterized by larger and thicker leaves and spathes with deeper color and larger size of pollen, anther and plant. Its length of stomatal cell on lower epidermis leaf cell was longer than that of diploid, while the density of stomata was less than that of diploid. This indicated that tetraploids of Anthurium andraeanum could be produced by colchicine treatment and accurately determined by the improved squash method, the length of stomatal cell and the density of stomata.
出处 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期729-734,共6页 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
基金 广州市农业新品种招标项目(GK023104)
关键词 红掌 多倍体 气孔鉴定 细胞学鉴定 愈伤组织 Anthurium andraeanum Polyploid Stomatal appraisal Cytological appraisal Callus
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