
一种分布式智能推荐系统的设计与实现 被引量:1

Design and Implemention of a Distributed Intelligent Suggestion System
摘要 E-Learning作为一种全新的网络教育模式,为在线学员提供越来越多学习资源的同时,其结构也变得更加复杂,在线学员经常会迷失在大量的信息空间中,无法顺利找到自己所需的学习资源。引入移动Agent技术,提出一种面向E-Learn-ing的集成群Agent与Web服务的分布式智能推荐系统(Multi Agent System&Web Services Intelligent Recommendation System,MASWSIRS),其能有效地帮助学员找到所需的信息。构造了MASWSIRS的体系结构,说明了系统的工作流程;详细阐述了MASWSIRS的各主要功能模块的实现算法,包括系统整体实现算法、系统聚簇算法及推荐算法。通过对系统的应用与性能监测来看,系统实现切实可行且运行性能良好。 As a novel web - based education model, the structure of E - Learning is becoming more and more complex while providing more and more learning resource for learners. On - line learners are often lost in the great information space and can not find learning resource needed by them all right. So the e - learning suggestion system comes up. It can assist the learners to search learning resource needed effectively. This paper puts forward a kind of travel distributed intelligent recommendation system based on mobile agent and web services (MASWSIRS) and constructs the architecture of the system. Meanwhile the paper narrates the workflow of the system. Finally the paper particularly explains the implementing algorithms of main functions of the system including the global implementing algorithm, clustering algorithm and suggestion algorithm. The system is evaluated by real application and the experiments show that it is feasible and effective.
作者 陶剑文
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 2007年第7期296-300,共5页 Computer Simulation
基金 浙江省教育厅科研项目资助(20040120)
关键词 移动代理 个性化 推荐系统 网络使用挖掘 服务合成 Mobile agent Personalization Suggestion system Web usage mining( WUM ) Services synthesizing
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