目的 了解上海市金山区儿童伤害死亡的流行病学特征,并为进一步制定伤害干预措施和策略提供科学依据.方法 利用1990-2005年金山区居民病伤死亡原因年报资料,描述该区儿童伤害死亡流行病学特征,并计算伤害所致死亡率、潜在寿命损失年(PYLL)和潜在寿命损失率(PYLLR)等指标.结果 1990-2005年,金山区0~14岁儿童的伤害死亡率为24.85/10万,伤害死亡占总死亡的31.38%,为0~14岁儿童首位的死亡原因.随着年份的推移,儿童伤害死亡率呈现下降的趋势.男性儿童伤害死亡率要高于女性儿童.不同年龄段儿童的主要伤害死因不同.溺死、运输事故和意外跌落是造成儿童伤害死亡的前3位死因,占伤害死亡的81.00%.伤害所致的儿童PYLL为19 222.50 a,PYLLR为14.88‰.结论 伤害是严重威胁金山区儿童生命安全的重大公共卫生问题,应在0~14岁儿童中,针对不同类型的伤害采取综合性的防治措施.
[Objectlve]To study the epidemiological features of injury——induced death among the children in Jinshan district and provide evidence for the establishment of intervention and countermeasures. [ Methods] The annual report of the death reasons of the residents of Jinshan District during 1990-2005 was used to describe the epidemiological features of the injury-induced death among children in this district and calculate the indexes like mortality caused by injuries, PYLL and PYLLR. [ Results ] The mortality of injury among the children aged from 0 to 14 was 24.85/100 000 that occupied 31.38% of the total morbidity during 1990-2005 ; the mortality of injury among children declined every year since 1990 to 2005; the morality of injury among the male children (30.57/100 000} was higher than that among the females ( 18.91/100 000} ; drowning, traffic accident and accidental falls were the first three major causes for the death among children that accounted for 81.00% of the whole injury death; the PYLL caused by injuries was 19,222, 50 years; PYLLR wasl4, 88%0. [ Conclusion] Injury is a serious public problem that threatens the life security of children in Jinshan; effective measures should be taken for the prevention of injuries among the children aged from 0 to 14.
Occupation and Health
Death cause
Potential Years of Life Loss