
药物洗脱支架内血栓形成研究进展 被引量:8

Progress in the study of drug-eluting intra-stent thrombosis
摘要 药物洗脱支架(DES)在降低经皮冠脉介入治疗(PCI)后再狭窄的有效性而被誉为里程碑式进展,但同时其安全性尤其是支架内血栓形成问题也一直是医家关注的焦点。DES血栓形成发生率至少不低于金属裸支架,且后果严重,绝大部分导致心肌梗死或死亡。影响DES血栓形成的因素很多,其中提前中断抗血小板治疗是最强的危险因素,其他还有肾功能衰竭、糖尿病、分叉病变、多支或多处病变、长病变、女性、高龄以及支架膨胀不全和残余狭窄等。其根本原因在于DES延迟内皮化过程。药物洗脱支架(DES)在降低经皮冠脉介入治疗(PCI)后再狭窄的有效性而被誉为里程碑式进展,但同时其安全性尤其是支架内血栓形成问题也一直是医家关注的焦点。DES血栓形成发生率至少不低于金属裸支架,且后果严重,绝大部分导致心肌梗死或死亡。影响DES血栓形成的因素很多,其中提前中断抗血小板治疗是最强的危险因素,其他还有肾功能衰竭、糖尿病、分叉病变、多支或多处病变、长病变、女性、高龄以及支架膨胀不全和残余狭窄等。其根本原因在于DES延迟内皮化过程。 Durg-eluting stent has been regarded as the milestone in the history of PCI for their efficiency in the prevention of coronary arterial restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention. But unfortunately intra-stent thrombosis continues to be a serious complication of contemporary DES use. The incidence of drug-eluting stents thrombosis is at least not lower than that of bare metal stents at present. The clinical consequences of stent thrombosis are frequently catastrophic, including death in 40% to 50% of the cases or major myocardial infarction in 60% to 70%. Premature discontinuation of standard antiplatelet therapy is by far the most important predictor of stent thrombosis with DES and other predictors included renal failure, diabetes, bifurcation lesions, multiple lesions or muhivessel disease, long stents, female, advanced age, stent underexpansion and residual stenosis etc. The delayed endothelialization may be the underling mechanism of DES thrombosis.
出处 《介入放射学杂志》 CSCD 2007年第8期568-571,共4页 Journal of Interventional Radiology
关键词 药物洗脱支架 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗 支架内血栓形成 危险因素 Drug-eluting stent Percutaneous coronary intervention Stent thrombosis Risk factors
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