
SPAR平台立管相互碰撞的有限元分析 被引量:6

摘要 以SPAR平台中立管与立管碰撞为研究对象,采用三维有限元模拟碰撞过程,并采用显示动力求解结构的最大碰撞力及最大碰撞应力,计算且讨论了内压、碰撞时立管之间的夹角、碰撞时立管速度之间的夹角及摩擦对立管碰撞的影响。结果表明一定的内压值可以使立管在径向更不容易破坏,对于带有保护层的立管,不同角度碰撞对立管碰撞的影响相对较少,当碰撞角度为45度,最大碰撞应力比较小,摩擦对立管碰撞影响不是很大。 Explicit dynamics method has been used to analyze the structural behavior of collision of adjacent risers in SPAR platform. In this study, a 3D finite element analysis based on explicit dynamics is carried out to investigate the maximum collision force and stress and the behaviour during the impact event. The maximum collision force and stress are studied under different internal pressures, different angles between risers when risers are impacting, different impact angles and contact friction. The results show that risers are safer when they are subjected to a certain internal pressure; compared to bare risers, risers with neoprene coatings are not sensitive to impact angle; when the impact angle is 45 degree, the maximum collision force and stress are lower; the maximum collision force and stress are not sensitive to contact friction.
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期115-119,共5页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 上海市科委重大基础研究课题(编号:05DJ14001)
关键词 SPAR平台 立管碰撞 有限元 碰撞力及应力 SPAR platform collision of risers finite element collision force and stress
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