Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a genetic disorder that is difficult to detect, particularly at an early age. PWS is caused by disruption of normal, epigenetically controlled gene function in the chromosome 15q11-q13 region. Clinical symptoms are difficult to diagnose in infants and only become clearer at later ages as the patients develop hyperphagia and morbid obesity. Molecular genetic tests are able to definitively diagnose PWS and allow early diagnosis of the syndrome. High resolution cytogenetic testing, methylation-specific PCR (MS-PCR), and linkage analysis are routinely used to diagnose PWS. To establish a linkage analysis method for Chinese patients, this study identified a useful set of STR markers in the typical PWS deletion and adjacent area, for linkage analysis in two Chinese families with PWS offspring. Using this method, the authors confn'rned that one patient had a paternal deletion in chromosome 15q 11-q 13 and the other patient had maternal uniparental heterodisomy of chromosome 15. MS -PCR and high resolution chromosome G-banding also confirmed this diagnosis. This linkage analysis method can detect both deletion and uniparental disomy, thus providing valuable information for genetic counseling and the opportunity to analyze the relationship between the genotype and phenotype of PWS.
普拉德-威利综合征(Prader-Willi Syndrome,PWS)是一种基因组印记相关的疾病,是引起肥胖最常见的遗传综合征。分子和细胞遗传学检查对于该病早期诊断非常重要。通过选择PWS典型缺失区域内、外的STR遗传标记,初步建立了一种适用于中国人群的PWS核心家庭连锁分析方法,并用该方法确定了一例缺失型和一例异源单亲二体型PWS患者,经甲基化特异性PCR和高分辨染色体核型分析验证上述结果正确。同时,该连锁分析方法可以具体区分PWS的分子发病类型,从而为PWS家庭的遗传咨询提供信息,并为进一步研究PWS基因型和表型的关系提供了可能。