Objective To compare the event-related potentials (ERPs) waves of verbs and prepositions in the brain. Methods We recorded ERPs in the brain while participants judged the legality of the collocation for verbs and "preposition". Results Both verbs and prepositions elicited a negativity at the frontal site in 230-330 ms and 350-500 ms window. No difference was seen in 230-330 ms and 350-500 ms window; In difference waves, a negativity was elicited in the left and fight hemisphere at about 270-400 ms and 470-600 ms window for both open and closed-class words. Conclusion These may demonstrate that prepositions in modem Chinese are probably not a separate class from verbs and that N280 may be not a specific component for only prepositions (or closed-class words).
目的考察分析汉语中动词与介词在大脑神经加工机制上的异同。方法采用事件相关电位(event- related potentials,ERP)技术,选择以汉语为母语的正常被试者共16人,观察被试者在加工两类词时脑电的ERP波形变化。结果动词与介词的原始波比较结果表明,动词与介词在230-330ms的时间窗口均诱发一个负波,在350-500ms也均诱发一个负波,它们在峰值上均无显著差异;动词与介词的差异波比较结果表明,无论是在语义上还是句法上,发现两个类型的单词在刺激呈现后270-400ms和470-600ms的时间窗口内,在大脑两侧均诱发一个负波。结论大脑对动词与介词的加工机制没有出现显著差异,介词难以独立成类,N280也非虚词的特定性成分。
the National Social Science Foundation of China (No. 03BYY013)
the Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. QL200504).