
原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤的CT表现及鉴别诊断 被引量:11

CT Appearance and Differential Diagnosis of Primary Gastric Malignant Lymphoma
摘要 目的:探讨原发性胃淋巴瘤的CT表现及诊断价值。方法:对23例经手术或病理活检证实的原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤的CT资料进行回顾性分析。结果:原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤按CT表现分胃壁弥漫增厚型、节段增厚型、局限肿块型、多发结节型4型。较有特征性CT表现为:①胃壁增厚显著(多>2cm),受累范围广(多>50%),多灶性分布;②受累胃壁外缘光滑清晰,无明显外侵征象;③黏膜粗大,受累胃壁及胃腔大小形态具有轻微可变性;④增强扫描黏膜呈细线样持续强化;⑤不伴有胃周淋巴结增大的肾门水平腹膜后淋巴结肿大。结论:CT检查对原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤的诊断及鉴别诊断有重要价值。 Objective:To evaluate the value of CT in the diagnosis of primary gastric malignant lymphoma. Methods: 23 cases of primary gastric malignant lymphoma proved by operation and pathology were retrospectively reviewed. Results: Primary gastric malignant iymphoma was divided into 4 types by CT appearances. Diffuse thickening; Segmental thickening; Mass of the gastric wall; Multiple nodus. The characteristic of CT manifestations were: ①Gastric wall significant thicken (〉2cm), the spread involved is extensive;(〉50%), muli focality distribution; ②Gastric wall were smooth contour without invasion of nearby organs;③Mucosa enlargement, soft gastric wall and gastral cavity had slight changeability;④Linear enhancement of gastric mucosa on enhancement scanning; ⑤Retroperitoneal renal hilus level lymphadenovarix without perigastric lymphadenovarix. Conclusion:CT has significant value in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of primary gastric malignant lymphoma.
出处 《放射学实践》 2007年第10期1069-1072,共4页 Radiologic Practice
关键词 淋巴瘤 体层摄影术 X线计算机 诊断 鉴别 Lymphoma Tomography,X-ray computed Diagnosis,differential
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