
Chord路由表结构的改进与优化 被引量:9

Optimization and Improvement of Finger Table in Chord Protocol
摘要 如何高效定位所需资源是P2P网络和网格计算中的一个核心问题。P2P资源定位协议Chord的路由表结构含有一定的冗余信息,导致查询效率不高。针对该缺陷,文章对其进行改进与优化,使平均查询路径长度由1/2logN缩短到1/2logN-1/4logR(N),查询效率明显提高。 How to locate efficiently the node that stores desired resource is a core problem in P2P networks and grid computing. Chord is a successful resource location protocol in P2P systems, but its lookup efficiency is lower because finger table has redundant information. An improved and optimal finger structure is presented for removing the shortages of the original chord finger and getting higher location efficiency. The average query path length can be shortened from 1/2logN to 1/2logN-1/4logR(N),and lookup efficiency can be heightened obviously.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第21期102-104,共3页 Computer Engineering
关键词 P2P 路由表 CHORD 分布式哈希表 peer-to-peer(P2P) finger table Chord DHT
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