
滑翔增程弹飞行弹道 被引量:10

The Study of Fight Trajectory for Gliding Extended Range Projectile
摘要 增程技术是弹箭技术重点发展方向之一,而滑翔增程是目前采用的较为有效的一种弹箭增程技术。阐述了滑翔增程弹的飞行过程,建立了滑翔弹的方案弹道模型和控制方程,对其飞行弹道特性进行了分析。仿真计算表明,滑翔弹道与常规弹道在升弧段上是一致的,而在降弧段上则出现了较大的差别;弹丸飞行速度沿全弹道的变化规律和最大射程角出现新变化;控制弹道很好地逼近了方案弹道,说明其控制方法是可行的,对滑翔增程弹的研制有一定的参考意义。 Increasing range of a projectile with gliding flight is a quite efficient technique. The flight process of gliding extended range projectile is explained. The project ballistic model and control equations are established. The characteristics of the whole flight trajectory are studied. The result shows that the characteristics of climbing trajectory are same, while the characteristics of falling trajectory have obvious difference between gliding ballistic and ordinary ballistic. The variational rules of projectile's flight velocity along ballistic trajectory and maximal range angle show new peculiarity. The control ballistic princely achieves the project ballistic and it show that the method of control is feasible. These are important stimulative function for the design of gliding extended range projectile in the future.
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期88-90,共3页 Fire Control & Command Control
关键词 滑翔增程弹 飞行弹道 控制 gliding extended range projectile ,flight trajectory ,control
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