
帕米膦酸钠联合局部放疗治疗骨转移癌痛 被引量:1

The combination of Pamidronate plus radiation therapy in treatment of metastatic bone cancer
摘要 目的探讨帕米膦酸钠(博宁)联合局部放疗对骨转移癌患者的镇痛效果。方法45例骨转移癌患者,给予帕米膦酸钠60mg、30mg分别加入生理盐水500ml、250ml中,静脉滴注,d1~2分别持续4h、2h,每4周为1周期;局部放疗,DT300cGy/次,5次/周,DT总量3000~3600cGy;用药2周期后评价疗效。结果45例患者中,疼痛完全缓解(CR)12例,部分缓解(PR)25例,轻微缓解(MR)5例,无缓解(NR)3例,总有效率82.2%(37/45);毒副反应主要是发热、肌肉疼痛、恶心、呕吐等,经对症处理后恢复。结论帕米膦酸钠(博宁)联合局部放疗对骨转移癌患者镇痛效果较好,且毒副反应可耐受。 Objective To evaluate therapeutic effect of pamidronate plus radiation therapy in treatment of metastatic bone cancer. Methods 45 patientswith metastatic bone cancer received pamidronate plus radiation therapy. Pamidronate 60mg, 30mg was administered, d 1,2, ivdrop, four hours, two hours. This regimen was repeated every 4 weeks. Radiation therapy DT 300 cGy/T,5T/W,the overall DT 3 000-3 600 cGy. Results Among 45 patients,there were CR. 12, PR.25, MR.5, NR.3, the overall response rate (CR+PR) was 82.2 % .The major toxicities were fever, muscles ache, nausea and vomiting, which were tolerable. Conclusion The combination of pamidronate plus radiation therapy is an effective and tolerable regimen for treatment of metastatic bone cancer.
出处 《基层医学论坛》 2007年第12期1075-1076,共2页 The Medical Forum
关键词 帕米膦酸钠 局部放疗 骨转移癌痛 Pamidronate Radiation therapy Metastatic bone cancer
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