A new sugarbeet polyploid variety Tianyan 309 has developed with the crossing betweenTian 427(tetraploid)and Tian 211(diploid), this variety has some merits which are highdisease resistance,high sugar content,high and stable yield,widely adaptability.The averageroot yield in the regional test was 30562 kg/hm2 which higher than the unified check Tianyan302 and local check 5.01%,11.12%resp.The average sugar content 15.18%and 0.16%and 0.67%increased,sugar yield 4661 kg/hm2,and 5.82%,17.47%increased.In identifyingtests of“8.5”National Sugar Beet Breeding Project this variety tolerant to Rhizomania inInner Mengolia,Ningxia,Gansu,Xinjiang etc.
Sugar Crops of China