

Treatment to Displaced Intra-articular Calcaneal Fracture by Z-shaped Achilles Tendotomy and Percutaneous Steinmann Reduction
摘要 目的:探讨一种简单、实用、有效的治疗关节内跟骨骨折的方法.方法:“Z”形跟键切断,经皮纵向钻入φ(3.5~4)mm骨圆针至跟骨后关节面下方撬拨,跟骨钳钳夹跟骨内外侧壁,进行挤压,经X线透视及卡尺测定证实复位满意后,该针继续钻入,穿过跟骰关节直至骰骨,石膏外固定6周.比较双侧跟骨Boehler角及跟骨宽度,评估骨折复位情况,并测定踝关节功能,随访多项临床指标,评价临床疗效、结果:24例关节跟骨骨折行本法治疗,随访8~68个月(平均27个月),临床疗效优15例、良6例、一般2例、差l例、本组疗效优良率为87.5%.结论:跟腱切断有利于关节内跟骨骨折的复位.跟腱“Z”形切断石膏固定6周后,跟腱功能可逐步恢复,踝关节功能无明显影响. Objective: To establish a simple, practical and effective procedure for the treatment of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fracture. Methods: The reduction procedure began with Z-shaped achilles tendotomy, then percutaneous axial insertion of Steinmann pin and bilateral compression with calcaneal clamp. After reduction, the calcaneus were checked by X-ray photography and yardstick instantly. Then the pin was penetrated to the cuboides, external cast fixation together with the pin insitu was lasted 6 weeks. The reduction criteria were the restorations of calcaneal Boehler angle and of the calcaneal width. The function of the ankle and a series of clinical parameters were evaluated in follow up studies. Results: 24 patients with displaced intra-articuiar fracture ofcalcaneus were managed by the procedure and followed up to a mean 27.1 months (8 - 68 months). The convalescence was evaluated as excellent in 15 patients, good in 6, fair in 2 and poor in 1 of 24 patients. The clinical results were satisfied in 87.5% patients. Conclusion: Achilles tendotomy facilitates the reduction of intra-articular calcaneal fracture. The function of achilles tendon can reestablish convalescence gradually after tendotomy and cast fixation. There was no significant influence in the function of the ankle.
出处 《江汉大学学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第4期83-86,共4页 Journal of Jianghan University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 跟骨骨折 跟腱切断 复位 calcaneal fracture achilles tendotomy reduction
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