

A Review of the 17^(th) National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party
摘要 党的十七大是在我国改革发展关键时刻召开的一次十分重要的大会,举国关注,举世瞩目。胡锦涛总书记在大会上所做的报告鲜明地回答了在当今中国,我们党举升什么旗、走什么路,以什么样的精神状态,朝着什么目标前进的重大问题,回答了党和国家事业发展的重大理论和实践问题。大会第一次提出了中国特色社会主义理论体系的重大命题;第一次系统深刻地阐述了科学发展观的科学内涵和根本要求,在新的历史起点上开辟了中国特色社会主义的新篇章。十七大报告的精神实质体现为"一个主题""五个创新"。会议深刻地总结了十六大以来5年的辉煌成就和改革开放近30年以来的辉煌业绩和历史经验,面对新形势新任务,十七大报告反复强调"一个始终不渝"和"四个坚定不移",是现阶段中国发展进步的思想保证、强大动力、基本要求和奋斗目标。十七大报告关于继续推进党的建设、党自身的改革创新,是新世纪新阶段建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的关键。十七大关于全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标和宏伟蓝图,是中国特色社会主义在新世纪前期向何处去的集中表达。党的十七大作为历史性的盛会已经写在中国共产党的历史上,写在中国特色社会主义发展的历史上。 The 17^th National Congress, held at the critical moment of the development of the reform, is an important meeting that attracts attention from home and abroad. At the meeting, General Secretary Hu Jintao answered the questions concerning the mental outlook and route to take, the goals to achieve as well ,as the important theories and practice in the development. An important subject of socialist theory system with Chinese features is proposed,the basic demand and the intension of scientific development is clarified, which symbolizes a milestone in the development of the socialism with Chinese features. The essence of the report lies in “One Subject” and “Five Innovations”. The meeting summarizes the achievement obtained since the 16^th National Congress as well as the success and experience gained during the thirty-year reform. To deal with the new situation and tasks, the report emphasizes once and again “One Consistence”and “Four Firmness”, which is the guarantee, motive, basic requirement and the goal for the contemporary Chinese development. The further development and innovation of the Party mentioned in the report is the key for the construction of a well-off society and the socialist enterprise with Chinese characteristics. The blueprint and goal to build a well-off society proposed in the report shows the direction for development with Chinese characteristics in the new century. The 17^th National Congress is noted as an important stage in the history of the Chinese Communist Party and the history of the development of the socialism with Chinese characteristics.
作者 钟康模
出处 《广东教育学院学报》 2007年第6期1-13,共13页 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute
关键词 中国共产党 十七大 创新 经验 科学发展观 党的建设 述评 the Communist Party of China the 17^th National Congress innovation experience theview of scientific development Party building review
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