
An Analog Front End for Recording Neuronal Activity in Freely Behaving Small Animals 被引量:3

An Analog Front End for Recording Neuronal Activity in Freely Behaving Small Animals
摘要 Extracting characteristic brain signals and simultaneous recording animals behaving could help us to understand the complex behavior of neuronal ensembles. Here, a system was established to record local field potentials (LFP) and extracellular signal or multiple-unit discharge and behavior synchronously by utilizing electrophysiology and integrated circuit technique. It comprised microelectrodes and micro-driver assembly, analog front end (AFE),while a computer (Pentium III ) was used as the platform for the graphic user interface, which was developed using the LabVIEW programming language. It was designed as a part of ongoing research to develop a portable wireless neural signal recording system. We believe that this information will be useful for the research of brain-computer interface. Extracting characteristic brain signals and simultaneous recording animals behaving could help us to understand the complex behavior of neuronal ensembles. Here, a system was established to record local field potentials (LFP) and extracellular signal or multiple-unit discharge and behavior synchronously by utilizing electrophysiology and integrated circuit technique. It comprised microelectrodes and micro-driver assembly, analog front end (AFE) , while a computer ( Pentium III ) was used as the platform for the graphic user interface, which was developed using the LabVIEW programming language. It was designed as a part of ongoing research to develop a portable wireless neural signal recording system, We believe that this information will be useful for the research of brain-computer interface.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2007年第4期155-162,169,共9页 中国生物医学工程学报(英文版)
基金 Shandong Science Development Fund Grant number:041120101
关键词 ELECTRODE analog front end local field potential neural signal recording brain-computer interface (BCI) 神经信号记录 脑信号 神经活性 人机界面
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