
Engineering costs proxy models for China rural access network and its application 被引量:1

Engineering costs proxy models for China rural access network and its application
摘要 The article builds three engineering rural access network models that describe the structure of network elements and their relative engineering parameters for cable access, synchronous code division multiple access(SCDMA), and very small aperture terminal (VSAT) access technologies in the rural areas of China. Of the three access technologies, cable access and SCDMA access are the most popular access technologies. Besides, there still exist some remote special areas such as western mountain areas, whose natural environment is so bad that VSAT becomes the unique economical access way. Fully considering rural areas' geographical environments' impact, the article introduces geographical revised factor (GRF) to the models. By substituting the network data from the operators into the models, the article obtains the integrated networking values and does further researches on different access networks. The article builds three engineering rural access network models that describe the structure of network elements and their relative engineering parameters for cable access, synchronous code division multiple access(SCDMA), and very small aperture terminal (VSAT) access technologies in the rural areas of China. Of the three access technologies, cable access and SCDMA access are the most popular access technologies. Besides, there still exist some remote special areas such as western mountain areas, whose natural environment is so bad that VSAT becomes the unique economical access way. Fully considering rural areas' geographical environments' impact, the article introduces geographical revised factor (GRF) to the models. By substituting the network data from the operators into the models, the article obtains the integrated networking values and does further researches on different access networks.
出处 《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》 EI CSCD 2007年第4期93-99,109,共8页 中国邮电高校学报(英文版)
基金 the Information Management and Economics Key Lab. of Ministry of Education(FO60F36);the National Naturac Science Foundation of China(7043006).
关键词 engineering costs proxy model rural communication cable access network SCDMA access network VSAT accessnetwork SUBSIDY engineering costs proxy model, rural communication,cable access network, SCDMA access network, VSAT accessnetwork, subsidy
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