GMS是目前使用广泛的一个地下水模拟软件,它包含多个水流模拟计算模块,其中基于有限元分析的FEMWATER模块是一个功能强大的三维水流-溶质运移的数值模拟模块。迄今为止, FEMWATER在国内地下水数值模拟中的运用甚少。本文介绍了FEMWATER主要特点和应用领域,采用基准问题(Theis问题和Henry问题)对模型进行校正,然后选取了张家港合兴地块为实例,对该研究区的地下水流模型采用FEMWATER进行数值模拟,对比分析了FEMWATER和MODFLOW模拟结果,并由此概括了有限元和有限差分计算中的不同和FEMWATER运用注意事项,为他人今后开展相关工作提供参考。
GMS is one of the widely-used numerical simulation soft wares and it contains a lot of modules. FEMWATER is a three dimensional flow and transport modeling modules. However, there is not any report on the research about the application of FEWATER in the groundwater simulation up to now. Based on the introduction on the FEMWATER, the Theis Problem and Henry Problem arc used to verify the FEMWATER model. Then a numerical simulation on the Zhangjiagang plot is presented. Comparing the solutions from FEMWATER and MODFLOW, it is verified that the model is applicable. Some difference between the finite element method and the finite difference method is also proposed. Some advice and conclusions arc provided to be the reference for the further research at the end of the paper.
Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying