In 1993-1994, the experiments were carried out in Shihezi, Xinjiang(N44° 37'); Daxin, Beijing (N40°); Jinan, Shandong (N36°42'); Yangzhou, Jiangsu (N32°)with corn cultivars Yidan13 with more silks and LuyunlO with less silks. With different densities and fertilizer levels cultivating different populations and in a high yield population being treated with foliage and ear shoots removals at silking stage, the relationship of the source and sink with the grain yield was analysed. The results shown that, there were significant differance of the grain yield in different experiment sites, but at any experiment site the grain yield increase had significant positive correlation with the dry matter accumulation during grain filling period (source) and the total kernels (sink). It was also shown that the sink was more important for grain yield than the source, special for the cultivar with less sink.
Acta Agronomica Sinica