The fluctuation trend of annual runoff entering into the large and mediumscale reservoirs in Shanxi Province is analysed, in which the tendency of annual runoff entering into the reservoir is tested with the method of Kendall′s rank tests, the jump point of annual runoff series is found out with the method of the order cluster analysis,its significance is tested with the rank sum test method, a regression analysis for cumulative runoff series before and after the jump point is done using the linear regression method,and which the Ftest is given.Finally,an analysis result on the fluctuation trend of annual runoff that enters into 40 of the large and mediumscale reservoirs has been obtained. The frequency distribution diagrams both for the descending rate of the annual runoff and for the jump point of the first type having descending trend have also been drawed therewith. The analysis shows that most of the annual runoff flowing into the large and mediumscale reservoirs are of the descending trend,plenty of the descending rate concentrates on 0.4~0.7, the greater part of the descending occurred in 1976~1985,especially remarkable in 1976~1977.The writers point out that the cause of the descending and its future trend after 1990′s need to further be researched as a great interest is now focused on these problems.
Shanxi Hydrotechnics
Jump Point Annual Runoff Fluctuation Trend Frequency Distribution Large and mediumscale Reservoir