
人腹主动脉瘤与正常腹主动脉基因表达谱的差异 被引量:2

Gene expression difference analysis between abdominal aorta aneurysm and normal abdominal artery
摘要 目的运用基因芯片研究人腹主动脉瘤与正常腹主动脉的基因表达谱,筛选差异表达基因。方法选取腹主动脉瘤标本及正常腹主动脉标本各5例。抽提总RNA,转录并以生物素标记后,与芯片杂交,并对结果进行分析。结果腹主动脉瘤组与正常组织组比较差异表达倍数〉2的基因共1962个,其中上调基因554个,下调基因1408个。功能分析发现与炎症反应、免疫反应及某些化学趋化因子有关的基因在腹主动脉瘤组表达上调。结论表达谱芯片筛选腹主动脉瘤组与正常腹主动脉组的差异基因,为研究腹主动脉瘤的发病机制提供了新思路。 Objective To identify gene expression differences between abdominal aorta aneurysm (AAA) and normal abdominal artery. Methods Five AAA specimens and five normal abdominal artery specimens were coUected. Total RNA was extracted and purified from the samples independently. Then isolated RNA was labeled and hybridized onto the Affymetrix Geneehip. Results One thousand nine hundreds and sixty-two differently experessed genes were identified in AAA compared with normal abdominal artery, of which 554 genes were up-regulated and 1408 genes were down-regulated. Functional analysis revealed that genes involved in immune response, inflammatory response and ehemokines were significantly up-regulated in AAA. Conclusion The differently expressed genes may be useful in providing new insights and foster a better understanding of the mechanism of AAA.
出处 《中华外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期691-693,共3页 Chinese Journal of Surgery
基金 上海市教委重点项目基金资助项目(07ZZ38)
关键词 主动脉瘤 基因表达 芯片分析技术 Aorta aneurysm, abdominal Gene expression Microchip analytical procedures
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