目的:观察苦参碱对TIM2转基因修饰小鼠H22肝癌细胞瘤苗的体内作用。方法:构建小鼠TIM2基因真核表达载体并用以转染H22细胞,经体外稳定筛选后获得TIM2转基因H22肝癌细胞全细胞瘤苗(H22-TIM2),用以建立小鼠肝癌移植瘤模型,观察该瘤苗在小鼠体内的成瘤性和免疫原性;加用药物苦参碱(matrine,M)治疗后,观察苦参碱对其体内抗癌活性的影响。结果:筛选得到的TIM2转基因H22肝癌细胞瘤苗有TIM2 mR-NA及EGFP的稳定表达,此瘤苗接种后,在小鼠体内的成瘤率为41%,远低于H22对照组和H22-EGFP空载体组(H22-EGFP)(后两者成瘤率在92%以上),对小鼠肿瘤的抑制率为69.2%,明显高于苦参碱治疗组(67.5%)和其他各组。同时苦参碱可进一步增强H22-TIM2瘤苗的肿瘤抑制率。H22-TIM2组小鼠的脾指数,CD4+T细胞亚群和CD4/CD8较其他实验组明显增高。结论:TIM2基因修饰H22细胞瘤苗可显著降低H22肝癌细胞在小鼠体内的致瘤性,在体内具有一定的免疫原性,苦参碱可明显改善其体内抗癌活性,为进一步研究TIM2基因在肿瘤免疫中的作用及苦参碱的抗癌机制奠定了基础。
Objective: To investigate the effects of matrine on the anti-tumor efficiency of H22 murine hepatocarcinoma cellbased vaccine modified by TIM2 gene in vivo. Method: The combinant eukaryotic expression vector plRES2-EGFP-TIM2 was constructed and transfected into H22 cells by lipofectamin. The monoclone of the positive H22-TIM2 cells and negative control H22-EGFP cells were selected by G418 pressure and limited dilution method in turn. The H22 whole-cell-based vaccine were inoculated to establish the tumor-bearing mouse model, and its oncogenicity and immunogenicity were observed in vivo. Then the matrine was administered to the tumor-bearing mice inoculated by H22-TIM2 cells, H22-EGFP cells and H22 cells, and the inhibitory effect of matrine on tumor was studied. Result: The co-expression of EGFP protein and TIM2 mRNA were detected in H22-TIM2 cells. The rate of tumor formation in mice injected of H22-TIM2 cells was 41%, lower than that of H22 cells and H22-EGFP cells injection (92%) in mice. The growth of tumor were significantly inhibited vaccinated with H22-TIM2 cells in mice. The inhibitory rate of tumor (IR) was 69. 2% in mice of H22-TIM2 groud. higher than that of mice treated with matrine and H22 cells iniection, the later was 67.5%. Matrine could dramatically strengthen the anti-tumor efficiency of H22 cells modified by TIM2 gene, with the highest tumor inhibitory rate (IR) (90. 6% ) in all the experimental mice. The spleen index, populations of CD4-positive lymphocytes and the ratio of CD4-positive to CD8-positive lymphocytes of spleen in mice vaccinated of H22-TIM2 cells were obviously higher than those in the other groups. Conclusion: The oncogenicity of H22 cells is markedly impaired after modified by TIM2 gene. Matrine can strengthen the inhibitory effect of H22-TIM2 cells on tumor in mice. These data give us important clues to further study the biological role of TIM2 gene in tumor immunity and explore the molecular mechanism of matrine in suppressing tumor.
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica