
改革开放:中国特色社会主义理论体系形成和发展的强大动力 被引量:1

Reform and Opening:the Powerful Motivity of Form and Development for Theoretical-system of Socialism with Chinese Characteristic
摘要 举国欢庆,全国人民迎来了改革开放的30周年。本文对改革开放的历史进程与中国特色社会主义理论体系形成和发展这二者的辩证关系进行研究和探讨,提出改革开放是中国特色社会主义理论体系形成和发展的强大动力。回顾改革开放30年的历程可以看出,中国特色社会主义与改革开放伟大事业是内在地、有机地、不可分离地紧密联系在一起。没有改革开放,就没有中国特色社会主义理论体系;没有改革开放,就没有中国特色社会主义道路。中国特色社会主义的命题,是在改革开放的伟大进程中提出来的;中国特色社会主义理论体系,是在改革开放的不断推进和深化中逐步形成、拓展和丰富、发展的。因此,研究改革开放的历史进程,对认识中国特色社会主义理论体系形成和发展具有重大的理论意义和实践意义。 With the celebration of the whole country, we meet the 30th anniversary of the reform and opening - up. This paper has studied and analyzed the dialectic relation between the historical tenor of the reform and opening and the form and development for Theoretical - system of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, and then the writer bring forward the viewpoint - the policy of the Reform and Opening is the powerful motivity of form and development for Theoretical - system of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Review the history of the reform and opening for the past 30 years, we can see the fact clearly that the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics connected with the great reform and opening internally, organically and inseparably. There is no Theoretical - system of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics without reform and opening; there is no Road of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics without reform and opening. The definition of the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics was brought forward in the great process of the reform and opening; the Theoretical - system of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics formed, developed gradually in the ceaselessly advance of the reform and opening - up. So, there are important theoretical and practical means to study the historical tenor for the realization of the form and development for the Theoretical - system of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2008年第3期76-78,108,共4页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
关键词 改革开放 动力 中国特色社会主义理论体系 党的领导集体 Reform and Opening Motivity Theoretical- system of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Leadership collectivity of the China Communist
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