
解析蜜罐技术在网络安全中的应用 被引量:8

Analysis Honeypot Technology Application in Network Security
摘要 随着网络环境的逐渐复杂,安全问题日益突出。文中着重讨论的蜜罐技术,不同于以往的被动防御,而是采取主动防守,诱惑黑客上钩,最后抓捕黑客。主要从蜜罐技术的概念、关键技术、与传统的安全工具相比的优势、蜜罐技术的发展及其实现等各方面进行详细分析。蜜罐主机采用伪装成多种主机或服务器系统,对黑客攻击具有主动应对策略,并能作出不同反应,因此提高了网络的安全性。结合具体实例,证明了蜜罐技术是网络安全由被动防守到主动防御的开始,具有广阔的发展前景。 Along with gradual complications of the network environment, the safe problem is increasingly outstanding. Emphasizes a discussion of honeypot technology, differ from former passive defense, but adopt to defend actively, lure a hacker to take the bait, grasp a hacker finally. The advantage that this text mainly compares from the concept of the honeypot technology, the key technology, the traditional safe tool, the honeypot technology develop and its realizationin etc. The honeypot host disguised various hosts or server system, having to reply strategy actively to the hacker attack, and can do a response dissimilaritily, so raised the safety of network. Combine concretely exampies, proved honeypot technology is a network safety from passive defend to the beginning of the actively defensive, have vast development foreground.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2008年第7期129-132,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 河南省自然科学基金项目(0511013400 2006520031) 河南省教育厅自然科学研究计划项目(0624220039)
关键词 蜜罐技术 黑客 入侵诱骗技术 网络安全 honeypot technology hacker invasion traps technology network security
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