
对数域滤波器的实现 被引量:1

Realization of Log-domain filter
摘要 对数域电路是利用器件的非线性实现电路的线性工作,解决了有源滤波器线性工作范围的问题。介绍了基于晶体管的反相和同相对数域积分器并进行Pspice仿真。以三阶低通滤波器为例,描述了从线性滤波器到对数域滤波器实现过程,给出了具体的滤波器实现原理图。 The Log-domain filter circuit uses the nonlinear devices to realize the linear operation of the circuit and solve the operation range of active filter.This paper introduces the basic unit of domain circuit such as Log-domain integrator and uses pspice to simulate them.Using third-order low-pass filter as an example to simulate the process of realization from the linear filter to the Log-domain filter. The Log-domain filter principles is given.
作者 康怡 白洁
出处 《国外电子元器件》 2008年第6期30-32,共3页 International Electronic Elements
关键词 对数域积分器 对数域滤波器 非线性 Log-domain integrator Log-domain filter non-liner
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