
骚体新变与汉魏文体的演进 被引量:3

The Mutation of the Style of Lisao (离骚) and Its Connection with the Stylistic Evolution of the Literature from the Han Dynasty to the Wei Dynasty
摘要 骚体为两汉辞赋的重要形式,汉人不仅拟楚骚作辞,而且不断推动骚体的新变:通过骚体句式的散化,使散体大赋注重抒情性和音韵美;通过减省兮字,促成了三言诗、七言诗,完成了骚体的诗化;广泛采用减省兮字的四言、六言句式,推动骚体赋向小赋发展的同时,并促进了骈赋的形成。 The Style of Lisao is the simulate pattern of the descriptive prose of the Han period of China. People of the Han dynasty not only followed that pattern in their composition,but also promoted changes to that style.As a result,the longer descriptive prose with less emphases of rhyme by the Hart poets presented more attention paid to lyricism and consonance.By reducing the usage of the word xi(兮),the newer style of writing stimulated the birth of the poetry featured with three words or seven words in a line,which actually marks the point where the Style of Lisao changed into poery by full sense.By commonly using four word lines and six word lines,meanwhile,the trend of change led to the formation of pianfu(骈赋),the poety with parallel wording.
作者 曹胜高
出处 《古代文明》 CSSCI 2008年第1期34-40,共7页 The Journal of Ancient Civilizations
基金 教育部人文社科青年项目“汉赋与两汉史料比较研究”成果之一(项目编号06JC75011-44001)
关键词 骚体 散化 诗化 骈化 The Style of Lisao prose poesy Pianfu
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